
Cattails wave within the wind.

A sparrow flutters by.

A man sips coffee in his chair

and asks the question, ‘Why?’

Why does this world continue to race

faster than it should?

This current is strong; it carries me swiftly

through murky waters and shadowed wood.

Why am I here and not over there,

in a bosom of nurture and love?

What is this path? Where does it lead?

Is there a sign from above?

Children grow. Loved ones know

I yearn to see their faces.

To live and laugh, together again…

to feel their warm embraces.

Outside this forest of racing thoughts,

the breeze is light and sun is bright.

Yet within this mind, the trees are dense,

the destination out of sight.

Breathe deep and steady.

Set the course. Stay at the ready…

to choose the way this tale unfolds.

The future act remains untold.